In the captivating field of radiology, magnetism is a compelling force that is integrated in almost every diagnostic imaging system. In this short article, we uncover its origins, its ties to fundamental physics, and its intricate relationship with electricity. Join us on a journey to unveil the mysteries of magnetism, guided by both historical wisdom and modern insights.
What Causes Magnetism?

Magnetism, a natural phenomenon, intrigues us as we explore its roots. The movement of electrons and atomic nuclei infuses materials with magnetic qualities. Beyond atoms, magnetism and electricity are closely intertwined, shaping how we perceive the world.
Angular Momentum in Magnetic Fields
Delving deeper, we encounter the profound role of angular momentum in atoms that affect magnetic properties. Within the intricate fabric of matter, electrons reveal their intrinsic spin, symbolized by the letter S, while also exhibiting orbital angular momentum denoted by L. The harmonious fusion of these elements, embodied in the equation S + L = J (total angular momentum), forms the bedrock of bulk magnetism.

It is this delicate interplay that bestows materials with the power to magnetize and allure.
Who Discovered Magnetism?
Journeying through time, we discover the ancient marvel of magnetism—a captivating yet enigmatic force recognized by civilizations of the past.
In the magnetic embrace of rare dark stones, the Greeks of Magnesia discerned an extraordinary power to attract iron objects. These mysterious lodestones, fragments of iron oxide or magnetite struck by lightning’s hand, hinted at the grand tapestry of magnetism.
Across continents, magnetic stones ignited the imagination of Chinese navigators. They harnessed this interaction to forge compasses, charting the course for future exploration.
Electricity and Magnetism

The relationship between electricity and magnetism remained veiled until 1819, when Danish physicist Hans Christian Oersted chanced upon a captivating revelation. Oersted observed the compass needle’s deflection as he conducted experiments with electric currents. This pivotal moment illuminated the intricate link between electricity and magnetism.
This revelation blossomed into a symphony of understanding when André-Marie Ampère formalized the relationship. Ampere showcased the profound connection between electric currents and the resulting magnetic fields.
Ampère’s Law and Faraday’s Laws

The profound interplay of fields comes to life through Ampère’s Law. It describes how the current’s direction mirrors the curl of magnetic fields.
Michael Faraday’s pioneering work bestowed us with the Faraday-Lenz Law, a testament to the dynamic fusion of changing magnetic fields and induced electrical currents.
Faraday unveiled a principle that forever altered our understanding. He captured the essence of magnetic induction in the equation V ∝ −(dB/dt).
Maxwell’s Tapestry of Unity
As the 19th century unfolded, European luminaries sculpted the landscape of electromagnetic phenomena. Pioneers like Carl Friedrich Gauss, Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, Joseph Henry, and Heinrich Hertz etched their names into the annals of science, shaping our comprehension of magnetism and electricity.

Yet, it was James Clerk Maxwell who composed the magnum opus—a symphony that harmonized magnetism, electricity, and light under a resplendent wave-based electromagnetic theory.
Quantum Electrodynamics
The 20th century ushered in a quantum revolution, witnessed through the eyes of Albert Einstein, Paul Dirac, Enrico Fermi, and Richard Feynman. With the fusion of magnetism into quantum mechanics, Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) was born—a majestic tapestry weaving together the fabric of magnetism on both the macroscopic and microscopic scales.

As we step into the 21st century, the quest to unveil the grand design of magnetic behavior continues, unveiling mysteries both colossal and minuscule.
Magnetism: This We Know
Magnetism’s journey remains an evolving odyssey, an expedition beyond the frontiers of knowledge. Transcending the boundaries of classical physics, Maxwell’s quartet of equations offer a glimpse into the captivating choreography of electric and magnetic fields. The symphony of magnetism unfolds, from the dance of charges to the intricate interplay of currents, unveiling the symphony’s crescendo.
In the realm of radiology, as in the greater expanse of the universe, magnetism remains an enigma. A tale of electrons, currents, and fields—interwoven by the hands of physicists across centuries—stands as a testament to human curiosity and exploration. As the journey of discovery marches forward, the symphony of magnetism continues to captivate our minds, beckoning us to unveil its deepest secrets and embrace the mysteries that beckon beyond.
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