What Is Inside a PET Scanner?

This article explores what is inside a PET scanner. Positron emission tomography is at the forefront of medical technology. In fact, PET scanners consist of multiple technologies working in sync to aid in diagnosis. The components of a PET scanner work to detect areas of hypermetabolism in the anatomy. This article helps illustrate the components in a PET scanner.

What Is Inside a PET Scanner?

Components Inside a PET Scanner

PET Scanner detectors rear view with covers removed

A PET scanner utilizes a series of detectors to map gamma ray coincidences. However, a standalone PET scan can often be unclear and can be difficult to distinguish precise location of anatomical structure. As a result, PET scanners are often paired with CT scanners or MRI scanners.

In the video seen below, we can see a PET system paired with a CT System. The upper portion of the ring of detector modules can be seen in the rear of the gantry. The CT system sits in the foreground.

PET Scan Nuclear Medicine

The PET scanner rear trailer manages scan data in addition to housing the radioactive calibration pin. The rear portion of a PET scanner is constructed of a lead-lined casing. This prevents radiation leakage during non-operation.

GE Discovery ls detector ring

PET QA scans use the radioactive pin to fine-tune detector modules. Of course, the calibration pin decays over time. This results in replacement of calibration pin at regular intervals.


In conclusion, PET scanners contain an array of components that synchronize to produce 3D images of the anatomy. Moreover, the detector modules seen in PET scanner detect gamma ray coincidences to map out areas of heightened metabolic activity.

Additional Resources

MRI vs PET Scanner: Which is best for you?

Top Questions Asked by Patients Prior To PET Scan

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