GE Signa Excite HD 1.5T MRI Operator Manual Procedures

GE Signa Excite HD 1.5T MRI operator manual procedures brought to you by

12x GE MRI Operator Manual Procedures

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Signa Excite Applications

  1. Disk capacity for 256 and 512 imaging matrices. Bar below reflects overall image limit as a percentage.

2. Reflects current error. Click anywhere inside the box to populate error log.

3. Desktops (left to right, top row) Scan: perform all patient MRI scans from this desktop Icon, Protocol: Edit, add and delete MRI protocols. Display: View image archive browser to access all saved image data. (left to right, bottom row) Archive and Network: Network and archive image data, Service: Calibration Protocols, configuration files and other critical system functions, and
InSite: Contact GE support virtual assistant (subscription may be necessary)

4. (Left to right) Reflects reconstruction, filming, archiving, and networking status.

GE Signa Excite HD 1.5T MRI Operator Manual Procedures

Power On Procedure:

How to Turn On GE MRI Scanner

Video to GE MRI Power On Procedure available at

Shutdown Procedure


How to check MRI liquid helium levels

GE MRI TPS Reset Procedure:


Video: How to Reset TPS (GE MRI)

Startup MRI System

The following steps describe how to power system on and login to GE Signa Excite applications.

  1. Begin by pressing the on/off button to restart the computer if it is currently off. The power indicator light becomes visible when the power is on.
  2. When the Login prompt appears, position the cursor in the appropriate field and enter Signa.
  3. Then, place the cursor in the password field and type adw2.0
  4. Wait for MRI applications to load completely (about 7 to 12 minutes) before interacting with system. White screen will disappear when MRI applications is ready.

Quality Assurance (QA) Procedures

Before scanning patients, perform a QA scan to make sure the system is functioning correctly. Perform Daily QA procedure and the Head Coil QA procedure to ensure optimum image quality. Both procedures make use of the QA phantom. Run both QA procedures after positioning the phantom. Create a protocol procedure for faster workflow.

GE Signa Excite MRI Daily QA Protocol

Patient PositionPatient Entry: Head First
Patient Position: Supine
Landmark: Other
Coil: Head
Image ParametersPlane: Axial
Mode: 2D
Scan TimeTE: 20
TR: 200
FOV: 24
Slice Thickness: 10
Spacing: 10
Start: 50
End: 50
Acq. TimePhase: 256
Frequency: 256
NEX: 1
Center Frequency: Peak
GE Signa Excite MRI Daily QA Procedure
  1. Click [New Patient].
  2. Enter the following: Patient ID = Profile, Weight = 100, and any other tracking data required by your site.
  3. Position the QA in the head coil base. Ensure phantom is level and is seated in all the way.
  4. Slide the head coil over the phantom. The axial black line on the phantom should line up with the top as you slide the head coil cover over it.
  5. Press Laser Alignment Light.
  6. Press In Slow to center the alignment light over the axial line on the phantom.
  7. Press the Landmark Button.
  8. Press Move To Scan to move the coil and phantom to magnet isocenter.
  9. Return to the operator workspace and enter the protocol listed below.
  10. Click [Save Series].
  11. Click [Auto Prescan]. Once scan is completed, record R1, R2, and TG and center frequency (AX) values. This can useful tracking information for troubleshooting image quality issues.
  12. Click [Scan].
  13. Perform another scan in the coronal and sagittal plane. (Record values, similar to step 11).

Scroll through the daily QA images and verify images are free of artifact. Contact your service engineer if you notice a degradation of image quality.

Head Coil QA Procedure

After completing the Daily QA procedure, continue with the Head Coil QA procedure.

Head Coil QA Protocol
Patient PositionPatient Entry: Head first
Patient Position: Supine
Landmark: Other
Coil: Head
Series Description: Head coil QA
Image ParametersPlane: Axial
Mode: 2D
Scan TimeTE: 25
TR: 300
Scan RangeFOV: 24
Slice Thickness: 3
Spacing: 1.5
Start: 0
End: 0
Acq. TimePhase: 256
Frequency: 256
NEX: 2
Center Frequency: Peak

Scroll through the daily QA images and verify images are free of artifact. Contact your service engineer if you notice a degradation of image quality.


Additional Resources

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