GE Optima CT520 Troubleshooting

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This page features technical insights into the GE Optima CT520 troubleshooting methods. Find details and solutions for the most commonly experienced error codes below.

CT Scanner Troubleshooting- Overview

The following CT scanner troubleshooting section describes the error codes generated by CT scanner applications self-tests and diagnostics. Events can be tracked using the system error and message log. See the section below for more information about error reporting format.

Error log format: Simplified error code, generator phase, error class, error code, event timestamp, number of occurrences, current date and time.

Error Code (General)Description
30Tube spits errors
40Rotation errors
50Heater errors
60Exposure errors (HV inverter + mA measure + exposure control
70Power supply errors (low voltage + DC bus)
80Hardware errors (internal communications + cables)
90Application errors (saved RAM + software)
100External communication errors
110Thermal errors
120Manipulation Errors
130Grid Errors / Not used on Jedi60DC.
140Tube Switch Errors / Not used on Jedi60DC
10Rotation warnings (engineering use)
20Heater warnings (engineering use)
25LVPS warnings (engineering use)
27Application warnings (mainly saved RAM battery change)

GE Optima CT520 CT Troubleshooting Codes

List of GE CT Optima CT520 troubleshooting codes and warnings.

Error Codes (X-ray Generation)

Function CodeHex CodeDec CodeDetailsClassDeprecatedJedi 60DCJedi 60DC Lite
Tube Spits (30)0301H769Tube spit (kV+ and kV- dropped)2x  
       0302H770Tube spit (kV+ has dropped)2x  
0303H771Tube spit (kV- has dropped)2x  
0304H772Tube spit (kV regulation error)2x  
0305H773FPGA problem (restarting safety signal)2 xx
0324H804Tube spit (all kV drop/regul errors)2 xx
0328H808Warning, spit counter overflow1 xx
0450H1104Tube Curr max detected2x  
Rotor Error (40)0101H257No CAN message received within 5 sec4 xx
                0102H258Database not correct4 xx
0103H259Current overload4 xx
0104H260Openload4 xx
0105H261Phases unbalanced4 xx
0106H262Phases error4 xx
0107H263Inverter permanent overcurrent4 xx
0108H264Command error4 xx
0109H265MAINS_DROP has failed4 xx
0110H272PRD error (Z3 Z4 = bitmap)4 xx
0111H273F0 main frequency problem4 xx
0112H274HW/FW config error4 xx
0113H275IUVW short circuit error4 xx
0114H276Rotor not at speed4 x 
0115H277HV cable open error4 x 
0149H329Unknown error4 xx
0162H354Acceleration while in error4 xx
Heater Error (50)0201H513Heater 0: no CAN message received within 5 secs4 xx
                                           0202H514Heater 0: database not correct4 xx
0203H515Heater 0: inverter permanent overcurrent4 xx
0204H516Heater 0: filament permanent open circuit4 xx
0205H517Heater 0: inverter permanent short circuit4 xx
0206H518Heater 0: filament Overload Pre-heat4 xx
0207H519Heater 0: filament Overload Boost4 xx
0208H520Heater 0: filament Overload Heat4 xx
0209H521Heater 0: command error4 xx
0210H528Heater 0: PWM rate too low4 xx
0211H529Heater 0: PWM rate too high4 xx
0212H530Heater 0: MAINS_DROP has failed4 xx
0213H531Heater 0: PRD error (Z3 Z4 = bitmap)4 xx
0214H532Heater 0: boost too long4 xx
0215H533Heater 0: filament selection error4 xx
0216H534Heater 0: current feedback not nul when inverter off4 xx
0217H535Heater 0: Current not zero through a not selected filament4 xx
0221H545Heater 0: filaments database tube1 err (Z3= LF Z4=SF)4 xx
0222H546Heater 0: filaments database tube2 err (Z3= LF Z4=SF)4 xx
0223H547Heater 0: filaments database tube3 err (Z3= LF Z4=SF)4 xx
0224H548Heater 0: filaments database tube4 err (Z3= LF Z4=SF)4 xx
0248H584Heater large focus error4 xx
0249H585Heater small focus error4 xx
1201H4609Heater 1: no CAN message received within 5 secs4   
1202H4610Heater 1: database not correct4   
1203H4611Heater 1: inverter permanent overcurrent4   
1204H4612Heater 1: filament permanent open circuit4   
1205H4613Heater 1: inverter permanent short circuit4   
1206H4614Heater 1: filament Overload Pre-heat4   
1207H4615Heater 1: filament Overload Boost4   
1208H4616Heater 1: filament Overload Heat4   
1209H4617Heater 1: command error4   
1210H4624Heater 1: PWM rate too low4   
1211H4625Heater 1: PWM rate too high4   
1212H4626Heater 1: MAINS_DROP has failed4   
1213H4627Heater 1: PRD error (Z3 Z4 = bitmap)4   
1214H4628Heater 1: boost too long4   
1215H4629Heater 1: filament selection error4   
1216H4630Heater 1: current feedback not nul when inverter off4   
1217H4631Heater 1: Current not zero through a not selected filament4   
1221H4641Heater 1: filaments database tube1 err (Z3= LF Z4=SF)4   
1222H4642Heater 1: filaments database tube2 err (Z3= LF Z4=SF)4   
1223H4643Heater 1: filaments database tube3 err (Z3= LF Z4=SF)4   
1224H4644Heater 1: filaments database tube4 err (Z3= LF Z4=SF)4   
Exposure error (60)0306H774No kV Feedback on anode3 xx
                                       0307H775No kV Feeback on cathode3 xx
0308H776No kV Feedback on anode and cathode3 xx
0309H777kV detected during kV diag3 xx
0310H784kV max detected3 xx
0311H785ILP current not OK3 xx
0312H786ILR current not OK3 xx
0313H787ILR max current detected3 xx
0314H788ILR current timeout3 xx
0316H790Spit Max error3 xx
0317H791Spit Ratio error3 xx
0318H792kV did not reach 75%(rad) or 95%(gridded) after 20ms3 xx
0319H793kV unbalanced detected3 xx
0320H800FPGA problem (safety signal)3 xx
0321H801Spit retry failed (TD computing)3x  
0323H803ILR and ILP current not OK3 xx
0325H805DSP overload3 xx
0326H806DSP exposure stop3 xx
0327H807DSP regul. out of range3x  
0329H809wrong HV capa measure3 xx
0350H848TMax 10s Overflow x  
0351H849Repetitive Error x  
0401H1025No mA feedback3 xx
0402H1026mA scale error3 xx
0403H1027mA out of range2 xx
0451H1105mA meter saturated3 xx
0504H1284Inverter Gate Power Supply error3 xx
0801H2049Exposure backup mAs exceeded3 xx
0802H2050Exposure backup time exceeded3 xx
0803H2051Exp cmd while gene not ready3 xx
1181H4481mA between pulses3   
1406H5126Time counter problem3x  
1407H5127mAs counter problem3 xx
1408H5128AEC does not count3   
1409H5129mAs meter saturated3 xx
1410H5136FPGA locked3 xx
1411H5137Time counter problem3 xx
1420H5152Tomo cut too early3   
1421H5153Tomo cut by generator3   
1454H5204Inverter thermal error5   
Power Supply errors (70)0501H1281DC bus out of range4 xx
              0502H1282Error Overvoltage > 780 VDC4   
0503H1283Inverter Gate Power Supply error4 xx
0505H1285Mains power supply has dropped during exposure4 xx
0506H1286DC bus 1 phase precharge error4   
0507H1287DC bus 1 phase discharge error4   
0510H1296HVPM AEC not 230V3x  
0511H1297Error Undervoltage < 320 VDC4 XX
0549H1353LVPS TRI: unknown error4   
0553H1363LVPS TRI: detected +160V too high (Z6 Z7 = value)4   
0557H1367LVPS TRI: detected +160V too low (Z6 Z7 = value)4   
0563H1379LVPS TRI: detected +15V too high (Z6 Z7 = value)4   
0567H1383LVPS TRI: detected +15V too low (Z6 Z7 = value)4   
0573H1395LVPS TRI: detected -15V too strong4   
0577H1399LVPS TRI: detected -15V too weak4   
Hardware error (80)0180H384Rotor board com pb4 xx
                                0181H385Rotor board has reset4 xx
0280H640Heater 0 board com pb4 xx
0281H641Heater 0 board has reset4 xX
0322H802kV ref ADC / DAC failed4 xX
03A0H928DSP error4 xX
0601H1537RTL error (Z6 Z7 = bitmap)4 xX
0602H1538External CAN bus off4 xX
0902H2306Tube cooling supply error4   
1000H4096Tube Switch com. Problem !4   
1006H4102HV switch sel error4x  
1007H4103Rotor switch sel error4x  
1008H4104Heater switch sel error4x  
1010H4112Tube Switch board has reset !4   
1180H4480Ingrid not active4   
1182H4482Ingrid CAN bus off4   
1280H4736Heater 1 board com pb4   
1281H4737Heater 1 board has reset4   
1402H5122Internal CAN bus off4 xX
1403H5123Connectic Fault4 xX
1404H5124FPGA configuration problem4 xX
1413H5139Internal CAN bus Txo4 xX
1414H5140Internal LD CAN bus Txo4   
1415H5141External CAN bus Txo4 xX
1416H5142Internal CAN RTL2 error4   
1417H5143DC disch. when inhib4   
1418H5144No DC disch. on request4   
1419H514510V reference error4   
1422H5154Overpress or Blown fuse5 xX
1423H5155H4 Power IF com. Error4 xX
1425H5157Rotor accel is forbidden4 xX
1450H5200Hardware Inverter Error4x  
1452H5202Incorrect KVmA Test Sel4x  
Application errors (90)0701H1793Saved RAM checksum pb4 xX
            0702H1794Software problem4 xX
0704H1796Rotation Heater hold too long4 xX
0705H1797Configuration error4 xX
0706H1798Wrong DSP version4 xX
0707H1799Wrong FPGA version4 xX
1001H4097Wrong tube number sel4x  
1003H4099Tube Sel While Rotor On4x  
1004H4100Tube Sel While Heat On4x  
1005H4101Tube Sel While KV On4x  
1011H4113Unexpected tube switch board4 xX
1012H4114Exposure preparation while tube not ready4 xX
1424H5156Thermal algo is consistent with database4 xX
Com errors (100)0603H1539Debug screen com error4 xX
         0604H1540Database download error4x  
0605H1541TAV com error4   
0606H1542MPC/Madrid com pb4   
0607H1543room SLIO com problem !4x  
0650H1616ETHERNET com. Error4x  
0651H1617HDLC com. Error4x  
0652H1618APR com. Error4x  
1301H4865AEC Board com problem4   
1302H4866Watchdog CAN com. Error4 xX
Thermal error (110)0111H273Rotor Thermal error5x  
              0804H2052Tank Thermal sensor too high5 xX
0805H2053Inverter HW Temperature too high5   
0806H2054Lp Temperature too high5   
0807H2055Tank Thermal sensor warning1 xX
0808H2056Inv Thermal sensor warning1 xX
0809H2057Lp Thermal sensor warning1   
0903H2307Tube exceeded 70degC5 xX
0904H2308HEMIT Thermal Error5 x 
0905H2309Tube thermal protection5 xX
0906H2310Tube track protection5 xX
1405H5125Tank temp meas too low5 xx
1406H5126Inverter Temp meas too low5   
1412H2052Lp Temp meas too low5   
1453H2053Rotor Thermal error5x  
Manipulation error (120)1500H5376Tomo brightness not good3   
  1501H5377Exposure switch release3   
1502H5378AEC does not cut exposure3   
Ingrid error (130)1100H4352Ingrid communication watchdog error4   
         1101H4353Ingrid repetition rate higher than 100 fps4   
1102H4354Inter grid CMD time shorter than 0.5ms4   
1103H4355Ingrid power supply voltage lower than 130V4   
1104H4356Ingrid power supply voltage higher than 200V4   
1105H4357Ingrid feedback error4   
1107H4359Grid feedback voltage too High4   
1109H4361Bias feedback voltage too High4   
1110H4368Ingrid target DAC voltage feedback fault4   
1199H4505Ingrid error4   
Tube switch error (140)1020H4128Tube switch status error !4   
            1021H4129Tube switch state machine error4   
1022H4130Tube switch lamp relay feedback error4   
1023H4131Tube Switch heater SF feedback error4   
1024H4132Tube switch heater LF feedback error4   
1025H4133Tube switch rotation relay feedback error4   
1026H4134Tube switch motor position error4   
1027H4135Tube switch motor feedback error4   
1028H4136Tube switch motor is in the opposite position4   
1030H4144Tube switch config reply error4   
1031H4145Tube switch status reply error4   
1032H4146Tube switch motor move refused4   
1033H4147Tube switch rotor capa activation error4   
ge ct warning code

Warning Codes

Function CodeHex CodeDec CodeDetailsClassJedi 60DCJedi 60DC Lite
Rotation Warning (10)0151H337CAN Domain command number error1xx
               0152H338CAN Domain request with no transfer init1xx
0153H339CAN Domain Toggle bit error1xx
0154H340CAN Domain : less than 2 data to download1xx
0155H341CAN Domain Abort received & applied1xx
0156H342Bad index in config upload1xx
0157H343Tube switch while rotor not off1  
0158H344Acceleration cmd while no tube selected1xx
0159H345Acceleration cmd while database not OK1xx
0160H352Database download while rotor speeding1xx
0161H353Acceleration command not OK1xx
0162H354Acceleration while in error1xx
0163H355No CAN message received within 4 sec1xx
0164H356Inverter overcurrent (< 3 times)1xx
0199H409Unknown warning1xx
0330H816Chiller Warning1  
Heater Warning (20)0251H593Heater 0: received command is not OK1xx
                           0252H594Heater 0: command not OK1xx
0253H595Heater 0: no CAN message received within 4 secs1xx
0254H596Heater 0: inverter overcurrent (inverter1) (<3 times)1xx
0255H597Heater 0: filament open circuit (inverter1) (<3 times)1xx
0256H598Heater 0: inverter short circuit (inverter1) (<3times)1xx
0257H599Heater 0: tube switch while filaments not OFF1  
0258H600Heater 0: CAN Domain command number error1xx
0259H601Heater 0: CAN Domain request with no transfer init1xx
0260H608Heater 0: CAN Domain Toggle bit error1xx
0261H609Heater 0: CAN Domain less than 2 data to download1xx
0262H610Heater 0: CAN Domain Abort received & applied1xx
0263H611Heater 0: database download while heater not cut1xx
0299H665Heater 0: unknown warning1xx
1251H4689Heater 1: received command is not OK1  
1252H4690Heater 1: command not OK1  
1253H4691Heater 1: no CAN message received within 4 secs1  
1254H4692Heater 1: inverter overcurrent (inverter1) (<3 times)1  
1255H4693Heater 1: Filament open circuit (inverter1) (<3 times)1  
1256H4694Heater 1: inverter short circuit (inverter1) (<3times)1  
1257H4695Heater 1: tube switch while filaments not OFF1  
1258H4696Heater 1: CAN Domain command number error1  
1259H4697Heater 1: CAN Domain request with no transfer init1  
1260H4704Heater 1: CAN Domain Toggle bit error1  
1261H4705Heater 1: CAN Domain : less than 2 data to download1  
1262H4706Heater 1: CAN Domain Abort received & applied1  
1263H4707Heater 1: database download while heater not cut1  
1299H4761Heater 1: unknown warning1  
LVPS Warning (25)0508H1288Warning Overvoltage > 755VDC1  
                                       0509H1289Warning Undervoltage < 320VDC1  
0520H1312LVPS 400: received command is not OK1xx
0521H1313LVPS 400: external +15V too high1xx
0522H1314LVPS 400: external +15V too low1xx
0523H1315LVPS 400: external +160V too high1xx
0524H1316LVPS 400: external +160V too low1xx
0525H1317LVPS 400: gate +24V too high1  
0526H1318LVPS 400: gate +24V too low1  
0527H1319LVPS 400: CAN +15V too high1xx
0528H1320LVPS 400: CAN +15V too low1xx
0529H1321LVPS 400: CAN -15V too high1xx
0530H1328LVPS 400: CAN -15V too low1xx
0531H1329LVPS 400: heater 0 +160V too high1xx
0532H1330LVPS 400: heater 0 +160V too low1xx
0533H1331LVPS 400: heater 1 +160V too high1  
0534H1332LVPS 400: heater 1 +160V too low1  
0535H1333LVPS 400: main inverter +17V too high1xx
0536H1334LVPS 400: main inverter +17V too low1xx
0537H1335LVPS 400: main inverter +26V too high1xx
0538H1336LVPS 400: main inverter +26V too low1xx
0539H1337LVPS 400: main inverter +160V too high1xx
0540H1344LVPS 400: main inverter +160V too low1xx
0541H1345LVPS 400: FAN 0 overcurrent1  
0542H1346LVPS 400: FAN 1 overcurrent1  
0543H1347LVPS 400: FAN 2 overcurrent1  
0544H1348LVPS 400: FAN 3 overcurrent1  
0550H1360LVPS TRI: no more warn +160V1  
0551H1361LVPS TRI: detected +160V too high1  
0555H1365LVPS TRI: detected +160V too low1  
0560H1376LVPS TRI: no more warn +15V1  
0561H1377LVPS TRI: detected +15V too high1  
0565H1381LVPS TRI: detected +15V too low1  
0570H1392LVPS TRI: no more warn -15V1  
0571H1393LVPS TRI: detected -15V too strong1  
0575H1397LVPS TRI: detected -15V too weak1  
0595H1429LVPS400: Recovery from power int1xx
0596H1430LVPS 400: communication error1xx
0597H1431LVPS 400: unknown error1xx
0599H1433LVPS TRI: unknown warning1  
Application warning (27)0404H1028No Pulse Warning2  
       0703H1795NMI occurred (MSB @)1xx
0704H1796Heater / Rotor hold too long2xx
0708H1798NMI occurred (LSB @)1xx
0810H2064Configuration warning1xx
0811H2065Thermal switch warning1  
0907h2311Filament aging saturated1  
1401H5121Saved RAM Battery life time limit reached1xx
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