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Signa Voyager MRI by GE healthcare operator manual procedures. Full library of training resources and step-by-step guides available for GE MRI operator manual. The GE Signa Voyager is a whole body MRI scanner designed to support short scan times while providing high signal to noise ratio with high spatial resolution. Learn more about the MRI operator manual procedures below.
The following procedures are for reference only. All procedures should be verified in the GE MRI Signa Voyager operator manual available for download at MRIPETCTSOURCE is not responsible for the misuse of material. See disclaimer for additional information.
This MRI technologist resource is updated as we release new content. Check back often to stay up to date on the latest content releases.
GE Signa Voyager MRI Artifact Solutions Guide
The GE Signa Voyager MRI Artifact Solutions Guide is available at
GE Signa Voyager Operator Manual- New Features
The GE Signa Voyager MRI platform features a host of new software features and upgrades. Workflow optimization, ease of use, and enhanced diagnostic capabilities were the driving focus in design. Learn more about the key features introduced by this newly redesigned MRI platform.
MAGiC DWI– This synthetic DWI sequence offers increased background noise suppression without additional scan time. Synthetic DWI techniques extrapolate image data from two DWI sequences with differing B-values. As a result, MAGiC DWI offers considerably faster scan times than conventional diffusion weighted imaging techniques.
CardioMaps- Simple applications that provide a more accurate and detailed measurement of myocardial T1 and T2 values.
ViosWorks– This software package contains 4DFLOW and ViosWorks. 4DFLOW improves image quality for assessment of flow-related disease in the chest. ViosWorks is an intuitive data processing and transfer application that promotes faster workflow.
GE Signa Voyager Applications
Contact us for a list of recommended GE Signa Voyager applications specialists.
Imaging Options
Phase Sensitive Imaging Option
SR Prepared Considerations
PSD’s and Applications
3DCINE-SPGR and 3DCINE-FIESTA provide whole ventricular coverage in a single breath-hold.
CUBE Suite
MDE 3.0
Pre-Scan Enhancements
Remote Software Download
Scan Considerations
Breast MRI with Implant
Scanning patients with breast implants requires special considerations to ensure patient safety and optimal image quality. Screen breast MRI patient for implant type (silicone, saline, double lumen) to determine center frequency peak and SAT pulse parameters.
Screening Questions (Breast MRI with Implants)
How long have you had the implants?
Are the made of implants silicone, saline, or double lumen?
Are both implants made of (silicone, saline or double lumen)?
Do you suspect there has been a rupture in one or both of the implants?
Have you noticed any change in the implants?
Important Center Frequency and SAT Considerations
The following considerations can can be implemented to identify the center frequency peak of each anatomical region during Breast MRI scan prescription. It is highly recommended to perform a manual pre-scan when performing breast MRI with implants. Saline breast implants require CF center on water peak and silicone breast implants require centering on fat peak.
In a 1.5T MRI, the center frequency peak of Fat is ~220 Hz less than water, while the silicone CF peak is ~290 Hz less than water. Relative to fat, the silicone CF peak is ~70-100 Hz less than the fat peak.
In a 3T MRI, the center frequency peak of Fat is ~440 Hz less than water, while the silicone CF peak is ~600 Hz less than water. Relative to fat, the silicone CF peak is ~160-200 Hz less than the fat peak.
Suppression techniques require a shift in CF to achieve optimal image quality. Using the wrong CF peak may result in low SNR and low image quality. Fat saturation requires a shift of (1.5T MRI: -220 Hz, 3T MRI: -440 Hz) from water peak. Water saturation requires a (1.5T MRI: +220 Hz, 3t MRI: +440 Hz) shift from the fat peak. Silicone saturation requires a (1.5T MRI: -100 Hz, 3T MRI: -200 Hz) shift from the fat peak.
GE Signa Voyager Daily Procedures
The most frequently utilized procedures when operating the GE Signa Voyager MRI system. Power on, power off, restart, TPS reset, DQA procedures and more. Videos available on the MRIPETCTSOURCE YouTube channel.
GE Signa Voyager MRI Shutdown Procedure
Perform the shutdown or restart procedure daily to maintain optimal system performance. Make sure to check out our GE Signa Voyager Operator Manual Procedures page for a growing list of training resources.
Before starting MRI power off procedure, make sure all images have been reconstructed. Secondly, end exam, if necessary. Next, ensure all post-processing applications are complete. Finally, remove any archive media in scsi tower, if necessary.
To get started with the shutdown procedure, click on the Service Tools icon located in the header area (top left of screen). Next, select System Power Off from Tools dropdown screen. Select reason for shutdown from the pop-up window: Daily, Service, Other or Cancel (close window). Countdown timer begins to track progress during GE MRI voyager shutdown process. Once countdown timer ends, screen will go blank. Your GE MRI system is now powered off. Verify Power LED is off on the HP computer.
Emergency Shutdown Procedure
Press any Emergency stop button (keyboard, magnet cover) to remove power from the MRI room components. Then, immediately evacuate patient and all personnel in the MRI scan room. Call site Field Service Engineer or MRI repair service company. Log event for future reference after root cause is determined.
Video available at
Restart Procedure
Click here for the GE Signa Voyager MRI Power On and Off Procedures.
TPS Reset Procedure
GE MRI TPS reset
Article available at
Video available at
Daily QA Procedure
Video available at
Check MRI Liquid Helium Levels
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GE Signa Voyager MRI operator manual procedures updated daily. Check back often to stay up to date on the latest GE MRI technical resources. Our mission is to provide the most helpful content to keep your GE MRI scanning reliably. Not seeing the information you need? Feel free to send us an email.
This MRI technologist resource is updated as we release new content. Check back often to stay up to date on the latest content releases.
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