GE Lightspeed VCT Operator Manual

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Mobile-friendly GE Lightspeed VCT operator manual to help you keep your CT scanning reliably. Find the latest GE Lightspeed VCT technologist manual procedures, complete with applications tips and workarounds. Find technical specifications and in-depth system information on the GE Lightspeed VCT system information page.

Important Note: This guide is not intended to teach MRI theory. It is necessary for the MRI operator to have sufficient knowledge of the modality to safely perform MRI scan procedures. Before continuing, see disclaimer below.

Daily Prep and Tube Warmup

Tube Warmup Procedure

  1. Navigate to [Daily Prep] on the scan monitor.
  2. Access [Tube Warm-Up] from the options.
  3. Proceed by selecting [Accept & Run Tube Warm-up].
  4. Initiate the scan by pressing Start Scan located at the top of the keyboard.
  5. Choose to exit by clicking [Quit] or proceed to Fast Calibrations.

Fastcals (Air Calibration) Procedure

  1. Conclude the tube warm-up process, then select [Fast Calibration].
  2. Ensure scan window is free of obstructions before proceeding.
  3. Initiate the scan by pressing Start Scan.
  4. Exit window by clicking [Quit].

Edit Protocols and Autovoice

Create or Edit Scan Protocol

  1. Navigate to [Protocol Management] on the scan monitor.
  2. Within the window, choose [Protocol Management].
  3. Select [User].
  4. Pick an anatomical region.
  5. Opt for [New] or [Edit].
  6. Choose an available slot in the list and input the protocol’s name.
  7. Specify the series type from the appearing window.
  8. Click [OK].
  9. Adjust the patient position accordingly.
  10. Select the anatomical reference point.
  11. Click [AutoStore] and/or [AutoTransfer].
  12. Configure Scout Parameters.
  13. Select [Create New Series].
  14. Choose [Axial] and opt for [Create After].
  15. Adjust Scan Parameters.
  16. Configure Technical parameters.
  17. Set Recon Parameters.
  18. Adjust filming parameters.
  19. Utilize Additional Feature Buttons.

Record Custom AutoVoice Message

  1. Navigate to [Protocol Management] on the Scan Monitor.
  2. Choose [AutoVoice].
  3. Record a message by selecting an empty area, entering a name, and pressing Enter.
  4. Initiate the message recording by clicking [Record].
  5. Utilize [Pre-Message].
  6. Save the message by clicking [Save Message].
  7. Start recording the Post-Message by clicking [Record].
  8. Complete the Post-Message by clicking [Post-Message].
  9. Save the Post-Message by clicking [Save Message].

Set AutoVoice Language

  1. Navigate to [Protocol Management] on the Scan Monitor.
  2. Choose [AutoVoice].
  3. Select [English-Male] and choose the desired primary language from the AutoVoice Language Selection window.
  4. Confirm your selection by clicking [OK].

Adjust Preset AutoVoice Delay

  1. Adjust the preset delay before the auto voice message plays by clicking the time next to Preset Delay Time.
  2. Choose the desired preset delay from the popup window.
  3. Confirm your selection by clicking [OK].

Delete AutoVoice Message

  1. Navigate to [Protocol Management] on the scan monitor.
  2. Choose [AutoVoice].
  3. Select the title of the message you want to remove.
  4. Execute the deletion by clicking [Delete Set].

Copy and Paste Scan Protocols

  1. Navigate to [Protocol Management] on the scan monitor.
  2. Choose [Protocol Management].
  3. Pick the anatomical selector you want to copy from.
  4. Choose the protocol you intend to copy.
  5. Click [Copy].
  6. Choose the anatomical selector you want to paste to.
  7. Select the specific area for pasting.
  8. Execute the paste action by clicking [Paste].
  9. Modify the protocol name by clicking on the protocol to be renamed.
  10. Enter the new name.
  11. Exit by clicking [Done].

Delete Scan Protocol

  1. Navigate to [Protocol Management] on the scan monitor.
  2. Choose [Protocol Management].
  3. Pick the anatomical selector you want to remove from.
  4. Select the protocol you wish to delete.
  5. Execute the deletion by clicking [Delete].
  6. Exit by clicking [Done].

ECG Trace

  1. Access [ECG Trace] from the scout View/Edit page.
  2. Utilize the Minimize/Maximize icon by clicking it.
  3. Ensure that the IVY 3150/IVY 3100 with Ethernet or IVY 3150-A/IVY 3100-A with Ethernet is set to “Ethernet” mode.


Set SmartPrep Scan Parameters

  1. Once the scan Rx is configured, access [SmartPrep Rx] on the view/edit screen.
  2. Within the pop-up window, select [Off].
  3. Click [Show Localizer].
  4. Adjust the Monitor Location.
  5. Input the mA.
  6. Input the Monitoring Delay.
  7. Input the Monitoring ISD (Interscan Delay).
  8. Input the Enhancement Threshold.
  9. Input the Diagnostic Delay.
  10. Proceed by clicking [Continue] or [Cancel].

Scan Baseline Phase

  1. Confirm the settings by clicking [Confirm] on the view/edit screen.
  2. Use the keyboard to press [Move to Scan].
  3. Initiate the scan by pressing [Start Scan] on the keyboard.
  4. Position the Ellipse ROI in the area of interest.

Scan Monitor Phase

  1. Access the [Monitor Phase] by clicking on the Scan Progress screen.
  2. Simultaneously press [Start Scan] on the keyboard and commence the injection of IV contrast.
  3. Observe the monitoring activities on the Display Monitor with the four-on-one display.
  4. Click [Scan Phase] when the desired enhancement threshold is reached.

Perform Scan Phase

  1. Initiate the scan phase by clicking [Scan Phase] on the Scan Progress screen.


Use VariSpeed

  1. Navigate to the view/edit screen and choose [Scan Type].
  2. Pick the rotation time from the available options.
  3. Confirm your selection by clicking [Accept] or discard changes by clicking [Cancel].

SmartScore (Prospective Gating)

This chapter provides a detailed guide on configuring a prospectively gated unenhanced (non-contrast) acquisition for calcium scoring. It presents a step-by-step process to assist in setting the Exam Prescription for Prospective Gating (SmartScore). The procedure for utilizing Prospective Gating (SmartScore) in conjunction with calcium scoring involves the following operator and system actions:

  • Patient and ECG monitor setup
  • Cardiac exam prescription and confirmation
  • Automatic system preparation
  • Initiating the scanning process
  • Transferring images to the Advantage Windows workstation
  • SmartScore on the Advantage Windows workstation

While the exam prescription is explained in this section, details regarding patient setup, ECG monitor setup, image management, and scoring can be found in the separate SmartScore documentation.

Setup Exam Prescription for SmartScore Gating

  1. Prepare the patient, set up the monitor, and position ECG leads as recommended.
  2. Input patient information on the New Patient screen.
  3. Specify a PA (180-degree) and Lateral (90-degree) scout scan.
  4. Confirm the ECG signal reception by selecting [Gating Off] on the view/edit screen.
  5. Conduct the scout scan.
  6. Define the parameters for the cine scan.
  7. Activate Prospective Gating (SmartScore) by clicking [Gating].
  8. Within the SmartScore Pro pop-up, switch gating on by clicking [Off].
  9. Review and adjust parameters on the SmartScore Pro pop-up screen as needed.
  10. Click [Accept] on the SmartScore Pro pop up menu to continue with Prospective Gating (SmartScore) or click [Cancel].

Cardiac Imaging

Patient Setup

  1. Load the injector with contrast.
  2. Place the patient in a supine position, feet first, on the cradle.
  3. Initiate an IV line for the contrast injection.
  4. Ready the patient for lead placement.
  5. Attach ECG electrodes and leads to the patient.
  6. Activate the ECG machine, ensuring a secure connection between the patient, ECG monitor, and the gantry/console.
  7. Conduct a practice session for hyperventilation breathing instructions with the patient.
  8. Provide an explanation of the contrast injection process.

Important Notice: Refrain from initiating a scan without a valid ECG trace.

Note: Monitor the heart rate throughout the scan and make note of the lowest average heart rate observed.

Consistency in breathing instructions is crucial for each series. Ensure that the patient follows the same breathing pattern: two breaths in and out (hyperventilate), followed by holding the third breath just before the actual scan is acquired. This practice contributes to maintaining a steady heart rate during the cardiac scan.

Patient Scout Scans

  1. Landmark the patient at the sternal notch.
  2. Click [New Patient] and enter the patient information.
  3. Select the Cardiac protocol and accept it.
  4. To verify that the scanner is receiving the ECG signal, click [Gating Off] on the view/edit screen.
  5. [Confirm] the scout views, hyperventilate the patient.
  6. Press Start Scan.

Localizer Scan

  1. Proceed to the next series by clicking [Next Series] in the protocol.
  2. Utilize [Show Localizer] and position the scans to cover approximately one inch below the carina to the apex of the heart.
  3. Configure Low-Dose helical scan parameters.
  4. Confirm your settings by clicking [Accept].
  5. Affirm the configuration by clicking [Confirm].
  6. Provide the patient with the same practiced breathing instructions.
  7. Move to the scan phase by pressing [Move to Scan].
  8. Initiate the scan by pressing [Start Scan].

Important Note: Monitor the heart rate continuously throughout the scan and make note of the lowest average heart rate observed.

  • When instructing the patient for the timing bolus while hyperventilating, recommend a breathing pattern of inhaling and exhaling twice. Exercise caution to avoid rapid hyperventilation, as this may elevate the heart rate.
  • Initiate the scan by pressing Start Scan and simultaneously begin the injector. Instruct the patient to take a breath in and hold it during this process.

Patient-Timing Bolus Scans

  1. Click [Next Series].
  2. Place your localizer one centimeter below the carina and just above the base of the
  3. Connect the injector to the patient and arm it.
  4. [Confirm] the timing bolus scans, hyperventilate the patient.
  5. Start the injector and press Start Scan at the same time.
  6. Review the images and using MIROI find out where the peak enhancement occurred.

Important Note: Ensure careful attention is given to the scan position, covering the entire heart. Avoid overscanning the area.

Additional Notes:

  • Cardiac Small, Medium, and Large SFOV options are compatible with Cardiac Helical and Cardiac Cine scans. If selecting a Cardiac SFOV, the dose calculation is based on a 32cm phantom.
  • For Cardiac Small, the default DFOV is 25cm, with the option to select a DFOV up to 32cm.
  • For Cardiac Medium, the default DFOV is 25cm, with the option to select a DFOV up to 36cm.
  • For Cardiac Large, the default is 25cm, with the option to select a DFOV up to 50cm.

For guidance on SnapShot mode selection, please refer to SnapShot Mode Usage.

Patient Contrast Enhanced Cardiac Scan

  1. Progress to the next series by clicking [Next Series] in the protocol.
  2. Use [Show Localizer] to position the scans from approximately one inch below the carina to the apex of the heart.
  3. Click [Gating], and the CardIQ SnapShot window opens for Cardiac Helical acquisition or the SnapShot Pulse window opens for Cardiac Cine acquisitions.
  4. To manually input the heart rate in SnapShot Segment mode, click [On] in the Heart Rate Override box.
  5. For Cardiac Helical modes, click in the Heart Rate box and type in the desired heart rate.
  6. Optionally, click [Recon 2] and [Recon 3] to set parameters for second and third prospective reconstructions for Cardiac Helical acquisitions.
  7. Click the syringe icon and input the contrast description and amount.
  8. Confirm your selections by clicking [Accept].
  9. Enter the prep delay determined from the MIROI timing bolus scan.
  10. Arm the injector with 5 cc per second for 75-100 cc.
  11. Confirm by clicking [Confirm].
  12. Instruct the patient with the same breathing instructions practiced.
  13. Move to the scan phase by pressing [Move to Scan].
  14. Simultaneously start the injector and press [Start Scan].

Additional Notes:

  • For a functional imaging exam targeting ejection fraction and wall motion, prescribe phases from 5% to 95% in phase increments of 10%.
  • In functional studies for wall motion or ejection fraction, consider reconstructing data as 1.25 mm thick images.
  • Note that you can only enter start and end phases within the acquired phase range displayed.

Specifically for cardiac images:

  • Routine production is set at 75% of the R to R interval, providing clear visualization of cardiac anatomy and vessels.
  • If there’s excessive motion in the right coronary artery at 75%, you may opt to reproduce images at end systole (around 40% – 55% with 5% increments).

Reconstruct Cardiac Images

  1. Input all the parameters for Retro Recon.
  2. Access the [Phase].
  3. Use the R-Peak Editor in the ECG Viewer window to modify trigger points in the ECG waveform, as required.
  4. Verify window level settings and filter settings in the Recon Options field.
  5. Confirm your selections by clicking [Accept].

Important Note: The system allows a maximum of 500 ECG files to be saved on a CD.

Save ECG Trace

  1. Open the Image Works desktop.
  2. Choose [Save ECG Traces] from the tool chest area.
  3. Insert a blank CD-ROM into the DVD-R/W drive.
  4. Confirm by clicking [OK].
  5. Eject the disk from the drive.

Important Note: Segmented reconstruction utilizes a segment of data from the scan rotation, usually centered based on the specified point in the ECG cardiac cycle. This method enhances temporal resolution by reconstructing an image using a smaller time window of data. ECG-gated segmented reconstruction is beneficial in minimizing pulsation motion within the chest and vessels, attributed to the heart’s contraction.

Adjust Cardiac Triggers

  1. Navigate to [Retro Recon] from the scan monitor.
  2. Choose the appropriate patient, exam, and series from the Retro Recon list screen.
  3. Confirm your selection by clicking [Select Series].
  4. Opt for [Retro] for all groups or [Y] for an individual group.
  5. Enter Retro Start and Retro End locations as required.
  6. Adjust [Image Thickness] as needed.
  7. Modify [Image Interval] as necessary.
  8. Adjust [DFOV] as needed.
  9. Set [R/L Center] as required.
  10. Set [A/P Center] as necessary.
  11. Configure [Recon Type] based on your requirements.
  12. Note that the [Matrix] size is displayed for informational purposes only and cannot be changed.
  13. Adjust [Recon Option] as needed.
  14. Drag the R-peak trigger to the desired position as necessary.

Important Note: Segmented reconstruction involves utilizing a segment of data from the scan rotation, generally centered based on the specified point in time during the ECG cardiac cycle. This technique enhances temporal resolution by reconstructing an image using a smaller time window of data. ECG-gated segmented reconstruction proves effective in minimizing pulsation motion within the chest and vessels, attributed to the contraction of the heart.

Insert Triggers

  1. Navigate to [Retro Recon] from the scan monitor.
  2. Choose the appropriate patient, exam, and series on the Retro Recon list screen.
  3. Confirm your selection by clicking [Select Series].
  4. Opt for [Retro] for all groups or [Y] for an individual group.
  5. Enter Retro Start and Retro End locations as needed.
  6. Adjust [Image Thickness] as necessary.
  7. Modify [Image Interval] as required.
  8. Adjust [DFOV] as needed.
  9. Set [R/L Center] as required.
  10. Set [A/P Center] as necessary.
  11. Configure [Recon Type] based on your requirements.
  12. Note that the [Matrix] size is displayed for informational purposes only and cannot be changed.
  13. Adjust [Recon Option] as needed.
  14. Right-click on the desired location in the ECG trace to open the pop-up window and select [Insert Trigger].
  15. Confirm your selections by clicking [Confirm] to generate images.

Important Note: Segmented reconstruction involves utilizing a segment of data from the scan rotation, generally centered based on the specified point in time during the ECG cardiac cycle. This technique enhances temporal resolution by reconstructing an image using a smaller time window of data. ECG-gated segmented reconstruction proves effective in minimizing pulsation motion within the chest and vessels, attributed to the contraction of the heart.

Delete Triggers

  1. Navigate to [Retro Recon] from the scan monitor.
  2. Choose the appropriate patient, exam, and series on the Retro Recon list screen.
  3. Confirm your selection by clicking [Select Series].
  4. Opt for [Retro] for all groups or [Y] for an individual group.
  5. Enter Retro Start and Retro End locations as needed.
  6. Adjust [Image Thickness] as necessary.
  7. Modify [Image Interval] as required.
  8. Adjust [DFOV] as needed.
  9. Set [R/L Center] as required.
  10. Set [A/P Center] as necessary.
  11. Configure [Recon Type] based on your requirements.
  12. Note that the [Matrix] size is displayed for informational purposes only and cannot be changed.
  13. Adjust [Recon Option] as needed.
  14. Right-click on the desired location in the ECG trace to open the pop-up window and select [Delete Trigger].
  15. Confirm your selections by clicking [Confirm] to generate images.

Invert Trace

  1. Navigate to [Retro Recon] from the scan monitor.
  2. Choose the appropriate patient, exam, and series on the Retro Recon list screen.
  3. Confirm your selection by clicking [Select Series].
  4. Opt for [Retro] for all groups or [Y] for an individual group.
  5. Enter Retro Start and Retro End locations as needed.
  6. Adjust [Image Thickness] as necessary.
  7. Modify [Image Interval] as required.
  8. Adjust [DFOV] as needed.
  9. Set [R/L Center] as required.
  10. Set [A/P Center] as necessary.
  11. Configure [Recon Type] based on your requirements.
  12. Note that the [Matrix] size is displayed for informational purposes only and cannot be changed.
  13. Adjust [Recon Option] as needed.
  14. Right-click on the desired location in the ECG trace to open the pop-up window and select [Invert Trace].
  15. Confirm your selections by clicking [Confirm] to generate images.

Save or Reset Trace Modifications

  1. Access [Retro Recon] from the scan monitor.
  2. On the Retro Recon list screen, choose the appropriate patient, exam, and series.
  3. Confirm your selection by clicking [Select Series].
  4. Opt for [Retro] for all groups or [Y] for an individual group.
  5. Enter Retro Start and Retro End locations as needed.
  6. Adjust [Image Thickness] as necessary.
  7. Modify [Image Interval] as required.
  8. Adjust [DFOV] as needed.
  9. Set [R/L Center] as required.
  10. Set [A/P Center] as necessary.
  11. Configure [Recon Type] based on your requirements.
  12. Note that the [Matrix] size is displayed for informational purposes only and cannot be changed.
  13. Adjust [Recon Option] as needed.
  14. Choose [Save] or [Reset].
  15. Confirm your selections by clicking [Confirm] to generate images.

How To Measure Distance on Trace

  1. Navigate to [Retro Recon] from the scan monitor.
  2. On the Retro Recon list screen, select the appropriate patient, exam, and series.
  3. Confirm your selection by clicking [Select Series].
  4. Opt for [Retro] for all groups or [Y] for an individual group.
  5. Enter Retro Start and Retro End locations as needed.
  6. Adjust [Image Thickness] as necessary.
  7. Modify [Image Interval] as required.
  8. Adjust [DFOV] as needed.
  9. Set [R/L Center] as required.
  10. Set [A/P Center] as necessary.
  11. Configure [Recon Type] based on your requirements.
  12. Note that the [Matrix] size is displayed for informational purposes only and cannot be changed.
  13. Adjust [Recon Option] as needed.
  14. Activate [Measure Mode].
  15. Confirm your selections by clicking [Confirm] to generate images.

Zoom In or Out on a Trace

  1. Navigate to [Retro Recon] from the scan monitor.
  2. On the Retro Recon list screen, select the appropriate patient, exam, and series.
  3. Confirm your selection by clicking [Select Series].
  4. Opt for [Retro] for all groups or [Y] for an individual group.
  5. Enter Retro Start and Retro End locations as needed.
  6. Adjust [Image Thickness] as necessary.
  7. Modify [Image Interval] as required.
  8. Adjust [DFOV] as needed.
  9. Set [R/L Center] as required.
  10. Set [A/P Center] as necessary.
  11. Configure [Recon Type] based on your requirements.
  12. Note that the [Matrix] size is displayed for informational purposes only and cannot be changed.
  13. Adjust [Recon Option] as needed.
  14. Choose [Zoom In] or [Zoom Out].
  15. Confirm your selections by clicking [Confirm] to generate images. (205)

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