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GE Lightspeed Plus CT (2x)

The LightSpeed Plus CT scanner takes multi-slice CT technology to the next level. This system is packed with features that improve patient care, scan speeds and diagnostic accuracy. Let’s dive into its system information and technical specifications.

GE Lightspeed Plus CT Technical Specifications

  • CT Tube Type: 6.3 MHU Tube
  • Slices: 4
  • Scan Speed: 0.5 seconds per revolution
  • Aperture: 70 cm
  • Patient Weight Limit: 450 lbs
  • Detector Type: Solid State
  • DAS Type: HDAS
  • Gantry Type: H2
  • Currents Range: 10 mA to 440 mA
  • Gantry Tilt: +/- 30 degrees
  • Max Scan Time: 120 Second Helical

Key Features

Benefits include in-room controls for patient focus, programmable start timer for safe operation, breathing lights for patient compliance, remote gantry tilt controls, and integrated IV poles on the table. The scanner also offers increased exam flexibility with rotation speeds ranging from 0.5s to 4.0s.

GE Lightspeed Plus CT Detector Assembly

The LightSpeed Plus scanner employs the revolutionary LightSpeed CT detector technology, a scalable Data Acquisition System (DAS), and a high-performance compact gantry. The detector comprises 16 rows with 14,592 elements, utilizing GE’s patented HiLight material for high resolution imaging.

The LightSpeed DAS supports multi-row acquisition, with 3072 input channels and a max sampling rate of 1408 Hz. The compact gantry allows full 360° rotation scanning in 0.5 sec, with remote tilt controls.

Clinical Benefits

The LightSpeed Plus CT Scanner offers reliable performance and superb image quality. Helical scans on the LightSpeed Plus system are up to nine times faster than single-slice scanners. This speed improves thin-slice CT angiography exams, reduces contrast media use, and enables longer helical scans without cooling delays.

Clinical benefits include improved productivity, diagnostic confidence, and increased applications. Multi-slice CT technology offers thinner slices, full organ coverage, longer helical scans, and multi-phase organ studies. The scanner is productive and offers cost savings.

The LightSpeed Plus CT Scanner offers 360° rotation speed of 0.5 sec for improved resolution, faster scan times, and reduced rescans. It accommodates walk-in or emergency patients between scheduled exams and improves tube life and contrast media savings.

GE lightspeed 16 mobile ct scanner, ge lightspeed plus ct

The system includes various features such as SmartStart for quick start, SmartHelical for balanced profiles, SmartTrack for minimized patient dose, and SmartTools for automation. It supports specialized scans like cardiac CT, CT Perfusion, and offers advanced image processing capabilities.

Interactive CT technology enhances clinical productivity, with a natural user interface, multitasking, automation, and self-teaching features. It offers advanced image processing and efficient multitasking, enabling rapid case review and analysis.


The LightSpeed Plus CT scanner offers faster scan speeds, reduced motion artifacts, improved image quality, and enhanced clinical applications, when compared to Lightspeed QXi. This system is an ideal choice for imaging centers and hospitals that want advanced imaging capabilities without the high cost of cutting-edge CT scanners.

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