This article sheds light on the various GE CT error messages generated during scanning operations. Are you experiencing unrecognized tube messages, reconstruction errors, hardware errors or any other pink message box? Join us as we provide insight to each message in an effort to help keep your CT system scanning reliably.
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GE CT Error Messages Explained
- A localizer(s) is invalid for this prescription
- A scan disk array failure was detected. Please call GE Service to schedule repair of the scan disk array. To continue scanner operation now, you may rebuild the scan disk array with less storage capacity. If you rebuild the scan disk array, all scan data on the current disk array will be lost. Are you sure you want to rebuild the scan disk array?
- A system communication failure has occurred which will prevent scanning. Please contact GE Service.
- An unrecognized X-Ray tube has been installed on the system. GE Medical Systems cannot assure that the system performance will conform to specifications. Advisory messages will be posted to the operator about an unrecognized tube during tube warm-up, during Fast Calibration, and in the dose report.
- Attention: The system has detected a problem with the DAS/Detector sub-system. Image quality might be compromised. Scanning will not be disabled, but it is critical that the user call GE Service to rectify the problem. Press “OK” to proceed at the risk of image artifacts.
- Attention: Reconstruction times will be slower. Scanning can continue. Please contact GE service.
- Attention: Reconstruction process has stopped. Scanning is possible but no images will be made. Restart the system. Please contact GE service.
- AutomA has been disabled. It can be enabled again once patient orientation matches with that of the last scout series.
- AutoVoice and Breathing lights are disabled due to operator intervention until scanning is stopped.
- AutoVoice Malfunction: AutoVoice is disabled until scanning is stopped.
- All of the images from a scan that is currently being reconstructed are suspended
- Biopsy has disabled automA. Please verify or change the mA as needed.
- Cannot bring tube rotor up for __ seconds.
- Can not start Monitor Phase while interacting with the Baseline image.
- Can’t perform cardiac gated scan. Cardiac hardware is malfunctioning and has been disabled. Please check the connections and re-enable gating on the View/Edit screen.
- Cardiac hardware is malfunctioning and has been disabled.
- Cradle is released.
- Cradle is released. Latch the cradle to scan.
- Detector Temperature Is High. Image quality may be affected.
- Detector Temperature Is Low. Image quality may be affected.
- Dose information database is uninitialized. Please see Error Log for Details.
- Exposure Time was changed to System Maximum Allowable value.
- Exposure Time was changed to Tube Cooling Maximum Allowable value
- Failed to Acquire Scan Hardware. This is probably because: New Patient is started in the ExamRx screen, or Some other tool is already scanning, or The application firmware is not downloaded to SBC, or Some other problem with the scan hardware. Please correct the problem and try again
- Failed to enable Hand Held Control Unit. Please check connections.
- Firmware reset occurred during scanning. The current exam cannot be completed. You may obtain information on completed scans by returning to view/edit. Please select end exam when ready. New-patient button will be available when the firmware reset is complete.
- Firmware reset occurred. Please wait until reset is completed. To continue, you may have to reset the landmark. However, the new landmark could be different from the previously set landmark.
- Gantry Balance Check is executing. This process will take about 1 or 2 minutes.
- Gantry Controls Cradle Release button is non-functional.
- Gantry Controls External Landmark button is non-functional. Use the Internal Landmark button.
- Gantry Controls Horizontal In button is non-functional. Unlatch cradle to position patient.
- Gantry Controls Horizontal Out button is non-functional. Unlatch cradle to position patient.
- Gantry Controls Internal Landmark button is non-functional. Use the External Landmark button.
- Gantry Controls Landmark buttons are non-functional. Scanning cannot continue.
- Gantry Controls Start Scan button is non-functional. Use the Console Start Scan button.
- Gantry Controls Stop Scan button is non-functional. Use the Console Stop Scan button
- Gantry Imbalance Condition Detected. Image Quality May Be Compromised. Perform Gantry Balance or Call GE Service
- Gantry is out of Balance. Calibration is Aborted. Call Service.
- Hand Held Control Communication Failure: There has been some communication error detected for the Hand Held Control Unit. Please Check the Connection and reconfirm Rx.
- If you continue to use the system you might propagate the corruption. Please shutdown and restart the system in order to automatically recover the database.
- Image generation has been delayed! SmartPrep cannot continue. Monitor phase scanning has been paused. Please proceed to the scan phase by selecting the “Scan Phase” button at your discretion. The SmartPrep clock continues to show the elapsed time since the contrast injection began. Use this clock to determine when to proceed to the scan phase.
- Interscan Delay: __ Seconds Remaining
- It has been over 96 hours since the fastcal was done.
- kV out of range. Potential for degraded image quality.
- More than 2 hours have elapsed since the last scan. Tube needs warming.
- Multiple patient entries are found. Please select the appropriate patient from the Select Schedule Patient screen.
- None of the Image Generation nodes are functioning. The system is still operational. However, recon performance may be degraded.
- Operator Paused Scan
- Operator Stopped Scan
- Patient orientation now differs from when last scanned.
- Patient placements in series are different.
- Please call the FE or GE Cares center for more information and help.
- Please check the connections and re-enable gating on the View/Edit screen.
- Please confirm that there is no beam obstruction.
- Prep Delay: __ Seconds Remaining
- Prep Delay after [Start Scan] will be __ Seconds
- Protocol file is corrupted. Please correct using method below or contact your GE Service Representative. Restore protocols – this will replace all protocols in “User”, Using the most up to date copy of the Protocol DVD disk or System State disk, From Service Desktop select “Utilities” then “System State”, Now select “Protocols” and then “Restore”
- Recon Self Test detected reconstruction errors.
- Reconstruction process has stopped. Scanning is possible but no images will be made. Restart the system. Please contact GE service
- Reconstruction times will be slower. Scanning can continue. Please contact GE service.
- Remote Tilt is Disabled due to Touch Sensor Collision.
- Scan disk array performance is degraded by one or more hard drive failures. Your scan data storage is reduced because of this. Please contact GE service to have the disk array repaired as soon as possible.
- Scan position prescribed is no longer valid. Please re-prescribe.
- Scan Request is not possible due to tube cooling. Lower mA or kV to enable scan.
- Scan Request is not possible due to tube cooling. No up front delay is possible
- Scanner Hardware Paused Scan
- Scanner Hardware Stopped Scan
- ScanRx could not be started because it could not communicate with scan database. The system has to be shut down and restarted. Please contact GE service.
- Software has detected an invalid DAS configuration. Please reconfig to correct. If condition persists after Reconfig call GE Cares.
- Start/End location(s) were changed due to landmark position.
- System adjusted patient weight to be within allowable weight range.
- System has detected that firmware is down. This will prevent scanning.
- System rounded Patient Weight in pounds to the closest value in kilograms.
- Table height has changed – No timing graph will be displayed in SmartPrep.
- Table is below the scanning minimum. Raise the table to scan.
- The Daily Image Quality Check Test has detected a condition that may result in an image with unacceptable image quality. Please call GE Service and request a more thorough evaluation of your system’s condition.
- The DAS Gain Calibration has not been run since the DAS Converter boards were changed.
- The detector is not at the proper temperature. If you wish to proceed with this scan select the “OK” button, however IQ maybe degraded including image artifacts. Please contact GE Service.
- The detector is not at the proper temperature please allow approximately minutes for the detector to come to temperature. If you wish to proceed with this scan select the “OK” button, however IQ maybe degraded including image artifacts.
- The detector is too hot. No scanning allowed. Please contact GE Service.
- The dose for the new scan is greater than the maximal possible value. Do you wish to continue?
- The landmark is not set.
- The Mylar Window check has detected that the window is not clean. A dirty mylar window may affect the calibration and cause Image Artifacts. Please clean the mylar window. Hit Continue to go on with FastCal without repeating the check or hit Retry to repeat the check and confirm that the mylar window is clean.
- The prescribed mAs for Group % is greater than mAs limit for this tube, decrease mA to _ mA.
- The scan database is corrupted.
- The Scanning Hardware is not available; please wait for the hardware reset successful status posted in the feature status area on the right monitor. If the hardware reset fails, then reset the scan hardware from the Service Desktop System Resets button.
- The Smart Prep Baseline image failed. Please try again.
- The SmartPrep timing graph will not display due to a mismatch between the system and reconstruction engine clocks. After the exam is complete, contact service to synchronize the clocks.
- The system has been configured to recognize a GE Medical Systems Tube. A 30-day period from the date of tube installation has been granted to allow time to manually verify the tube identity. Please call GE Medical Systems to dispatch a Field Service Engineer (FSE) to verify the tube configuration. Please allow a minimum of 10 days for the FSE to schedule verification. Verification should take no more than 30 minutes. If a GE Medical Systems FSE does not verify the tube identity within 30 days, the system will revert to an “unrecognized tube” status, resulting in the following: GE Medical Systems cannot assure that the system performance will conform to specifications. Advisory messages will be posted to the operator about an unrecognized tube during system startup, during tube warm-up, during Fast Calibration, and in the dose report.
- The system will apply an up front delay prior to scanning.
- The tube is cold. Tube warmup must be run.
- The X-ray and drive power is disabled. Please walk into the scan room and press the reset button on the Gantry Control Panel. Use of Emergency Stop button is only recommended for patient related emergencies.
- Tube Cooling Delay: _ Seconds Remaining
- Tube has reached the highest allowable temperature, Tube Cooling Optimization is required.
- Unable to determine if need to run auto mode Zslope Calibration due to access to the FastCal.cfg has failed. Press the [OK] button to continue the Fastcal. Please call service for Fastcal configure file problem.
- Unable to locate existing Patient Information.
- Unable to set Alignment location. Landmark not set or table needs to be referenced.
- Unable to verify system functionality on startup. Please power cycle the console. If the system fails to startup after the power cycle, then please call GE Service.
- Unrecognized tube in use – Dose may vary. The reported dose information is calculated based on empirical observations of systems with GE Medical Systems tubes. GE cannot assure the accuracy of reported dose information for any configurations that include tubes other than GE Medical Systems tubes.
- WARNING: Backup Timer stopped scan. X-ray stayed on longer than prescribed.
- WARNING: Clever Gain Air Calibration failed to get tracking Statistics. Tracking may have been turned off. Exit Fastcal and try again. If this problem persist, call service
- WARNING: Collimator Cal failed but scanning can be done with the pre-existing valid calibration. If this error repeats over several days call service. Fast Cal continues
- WARNING: Converter boards have changed. Please first run DAS Gain Cal before running Collimator Cal.
- WARNING: Fastcal may not have been performed within the last 24 hours.
- WARNING: Gantry Balance Check must be performed. Pressing OK will cause 2 automatic gantry rotations with 1 minute separations. Make sure Gantry is clear of all obstructions and click OK. The Gantry Balance check process will take about 4 minutes.
- WARNING: Please remove any obstruction in the path of the beam.
- WARNING: Scan Manager Configuration Has Beam Tracking Disabled! Scanner Is In High Dose Mode.
- WARNING: Scan Manager Configuration Has Non-Patient Scanning Options Enabled!
- Warning!: This series contains one or more groups with multiple scans at the same tomographic plane, i.e. same location. Temporal interval for images exceeds 3 seconds. Use of this data for processing of CT Perfusion maps may contain errors in the functional information. Do you wish to continue?
- X-ray off scan is in progress. Press [Stop Scan] to stop scanning.
- You will not be able to scan because no calibration information is available. Try pressing |End Exam| followed by |New Patient|. This will cause ScanRx to attempt to read the calibration database again.
- Zslope calibration fails robustness test. Please call service.
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GE CT Error Message Severity Classifications
System advisory messages, or have minimal impact on system functionality. While not directly affecting scans, these messages denote noteworthy system updates worth acknowledging.
Indicating system issues that may result in further problems, image artifacts, or scan failures if unaddressed. May warrant further inspection by CT service engineer.
Most severe category, indicating a system issue that prevents scan operations from proceeding. Resolution requires adjustment, calibration, or service. See details below for specific system error messages.
A localizer(s) is invalid for this prescription
What does it mean? Current prescription requires localizer scan to generate scout scan before continuing series . To resolve this issue, perform the scout scan first, then continue with current series. This error may arise if a new exam was queued.
Severity: Low/Medium
A scan disk array failure was detected. Please call GE Service to schedule repair of the scan disk array. To continue scanner operation now, you may rebuild the scan disk array with less storage capacity. If you rebuild the scan disk array, all scan data on the current disk array will be lost. Are you sure you want to rebuild the scan disk array?
What does it mean? Reconstruction subsystem failure. The scan disk array processes raw image data before reconstructing images; This error indicates issues with one or more scan disk array components (eg. hard drive, SDDA, etc). Symptoms may include inability to reconstruct images and the loss of raw image data from previous exams (Retro Recon). Check CT error log for additional details and related errors. A trained CT service engineer will need to perform the rebuild scan disk array procedure as the next step to restore the system to normal operation.
Severity: High
A system communication failure has occurred which will prevent scanning. Please contact GE Service.
What does it mean? Hardware communication failure occurred. This error indicates one or more system components is not responding. Check CT error log for additional details and related errors. Based on error log details, consider performing system reset or full system shutdown/restart procedure. If error persist, call CT repair service engineer.
Severity: High
Recommended Read: Top 5 Tips When Your CT System is Not Scanning
An unrecognized X-Ray tube has been installed on the system. GE Medical Systems cannot assure that the system performance will conform to specifications. Advisory messages will be posted to the operator about an unrecognized tube during tube warm-up, during Fast Calibration, and in the dose report.

What does it mean? System advisory message. This message indicates a CT tube not manufactured buy GE has been installed on the CT system.
Things to know: While third-party manufacturers design CT tubes to meet GE CT scan specifications, GE cannot verify these tubes. Instead, the system will post this advisory message during Daily Preps, and it will be visible on the patient dose report. If you suspect an error in the installation of a GE-manufactured CT tube on your CT system, contact GE Healthcare support to verify the tube. This verification process typically takes 30 minutes or less.
Severity: Low
Attention: The system has detected a problem with the DAS/Detector sub-system. Image quality might be compromised. Scanning will not be disabled, but it is critical that the user call GE Service to rectify the problem. Press “OK” to proceed at the risk of image artifacts.

What does it mean? System detected issue with one of the DAS hardware components. Clicking OK will allow you to continue process. Images may contain blurred or sharp ring artifact. Check CT error log for additional details and related errors. See more information below. In any case, warrants a service call for immediate or delayed service.
Things To Know: The Lightspeed VDAS subsystem offers the unique ability to map-out (exclude) bad data channels during daily calibrations, helping to reduce the incidence of ring artifact. This error message indicates the amount of bad channels has exceeded the maximum allowable limit for one or more of your FRDM’s (field replaceable detector modules). At this point, complete the fastcal process (if system allows) then perform a QA scan with a water phantom. If QA reveals no artifacts, you may proceed with system functionality tests. However, additional testing with patient protocols may be necessary before proceeding with clinical examinations.
Important note: Artifact visibility/absence in QA images does not necessarily indicate your clinical images will reflect the same results). Consult with CT service engineer regarding system configuration. Related article: Cause of CT Artifacts in Images.
If artifact is visible in QA scans you have two options (both require consulting with service engineer before proceeding): First option is to call your system hard down and place a service call for immediate service. This allows for the efficient isolation and repair of problem components with the downside of having to reschedule patients until part is isolated, shipped and replaced. The second option is to run fastcals a second time in an attempt to map out the channels causing image artifacts. The second option should only be considered as a final recourse, to be carefully coordinated with your field service engineer until the system can be serviced or the part replaced.
Severity: Low/Medium
Attention: Reconstruction times will be slower. Scanning can continue. Please contact GE service.

Severity: Low/Medium
Attention: Reconstruction process has stopped. Scanning is possible but no images will be made. Restart the system. Please contact GE service.

Severity: Medium/High
AutomA has been disabled. It can be enabled again once patient orientation matches with that of the last scout series.
What does it mean? Patient orientation is different than the last scout scan. Select the humanoid icon located in the upper-left corner of the scan setup screen to modify the patient orientation and activate AutomA. Alternatively, proceed with the manual adjustment of mA settings.
Severity: Low
AutoVoice and Breathing lights are disabled due to operator intervention until scanning is stopped.
What does it mean? Advisory message. AutoVoice and Breathing Lights have been disabled in scan setup, or scan was paused/stopped by operator. Verify that the necessary settings are activated in the scan setup, and restart the series to enable AutoVoice and Breathing Lights functionalities.
Severity: Low
AutoVoice Malfunction: AutoVoice is disabled until scanning is stopped.
What does it mean? Indicates software or hardware issue with AutoVoice option. Verify Autovoice functionality under Protocol Management> Edit AutoVoice. If needed, create a new autovoice message, or restore autovoice for saved system state disk. Check CT error log for additional details and related errors.
Severity: Low
All of the images from a scan that is currently being reconstructed are suspended
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Biopsy has disabled automA. Please verify or change the mA as needed.
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Cannot bring tube rotor up for __ seconds.
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Can not start Monitor Phase while interacting with the Baseline image.
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Can’t perform cardiac gated scan. Cardiac hardware is malfunctioning and has been disabled. Please check the connections and re-enable gating on the View/Edit screen.
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Cardiac hardware is malfunctioning and has been disabled.
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Cradle is released.
What does it mean? The cradle assembly on the CT patient table is unlatched. Cradle must be latched to proceed with scan sequence. To resolve this issue, press the Cradle Latch Button on the CT gantry interface panel. For more information, click here.
Severity: Low
Cradle is released. Latch the cradle to scan.
What does it mean? The cradle assembly on the CT patient table is unlatched. Cradle must be latched to proceed with scan sequence. To resolve this issue, press the Cradle Latch Button on the CT gantry interface panel. For more information, click here to see video.
Severity: Low
Detector Temperature Is High. Image quality may be affected.
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Detector Temperature Is Low. Image quality may be affected.
What does it mean? System advisory message. Indicates temperature within the detector assembly is below minimum to perform system calibrations. Wait 15 minutes for system detector to reach operating temperature, then attempt calibrations again. Check CT error log for additional details and related errors.
Severity: Low/Medium
Dose information database is uninitialized. Please see Error Log for Details.
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Exposure Time was changed to System Maximum Allowable value.
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Exposure Time was changed to Tube Cooling Maximum Allowable value
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Failed to Acquire Scan Hardware. This is probably because: New Patient is started in the ExamRx screen, or Some other tool is already scanning, or The application firmware is not downloaded to SBC, or Some other problem with the scan hardware. Please correct the problem and try again
Restricted content. Please sign in to view. Sign up for a free account for access to our entire library of radiology resources.Restricted content. Please sign in to view. Sign up for a free account for access to our entire library of radiology resources.Failed to enable Hand Held Control Unit. Please check connections.
What does it mean? Communication failed between system and hand held control unit. Ensure all connections are secure and restart series.
Severity: Low
Firmware reset occurred during scanning. The current exam cannot be completed. You may obtain information on completed scans by returning to view/edit. Please select end exam when ready. New-patient button will be available when the firmware reset is complete.
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Firmware reset occurred. Please wait until reset is completed. To continue, you may have to reset the landmark. However, the new landmark could be different from the previously set landmark.
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Gantry Balance Check is executing. This process will take about 1 or 2 minutes.
What does it mean? System advisory message. System will perform high speed rotation test to verify CT gantry balance. Ensure gantry is clear of any obstructions before proceeding.
Severity: Low
Gantry Controls Cradle Release button is non-functional.
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Gantry Controls External Landmark button is non-functional. Use the Internal Landmark button.
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Gantry Controls Horizontal In button is non-functional. Unlatch cradle to position patient.
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Gantry Controls Horizontal Out button is non-functional. Unlatch cradle to position patient.
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Gantry Controls Internal Landmark button is non-functional. Use the External Landmark button.
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Gantry Controls Landmark buttons are non-functional. Scanning cannot continue.
What does it mean? Check CT error log for additional details and related errors.
Severity: Low/Medium
Gantry Controls Start Scan button is non-functional. Use the Console Start Scan button.
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Gantry Controls Stop Scan button is non-functional. Use the Console Stop Scan button
Restricted content. Please sign in to view. Sign up for a free account for access to our entire library of radiology resources.Restricted content. Please sign in to view. Sign up for a free account for access to our entire library of radiology resources.Gantry Imbalance Condition Detected. Image Quality May Be Compromised. Perform Gantry Balance or Call GE Service
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Gantry is out of Balance. Calibration is Aborted. Call Service.
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Hand Held Control Communication Failure: There has been some communication error detected for the Hand Held Control Unit. Please Check the Connection and reconfirm Rx.
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If you continue to use the system you might propagate the corruption. Please shutdown and restart the system in order to automatically recover the database.
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Image generation has been delayed! SmartPrep cannot continue. Monitor phase scanning has been paused. Please proceed to the scan phase by selecting the “Scan Phase” button at your discretion. The SmartPrep clock continues to show the elapsed time since the contrast injection began. Use this clock to determine when to proceed to the scan phase.
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Interscan Delay: __ Seconds Remaining
What does it mean? System advisory message. Planned delay before initializing scan (X-ray exposure). The interscan delay can be adjusted in the scan setup screen.
Severity: Low
It has been over 96 hours since the fastcal was done.
What does it mean? System advisory message. This message may appear when restoring calibration files or if fastcals have not been conducted within 4 days. The system will automatically initiate an extended fastcal sequence. Anticipate this process to take between 30 and 40 minutes.
Severity: Low
kV out of range. Potential for degraded image quality.
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More than 2 hours have elapsed since the last scan. Tube needs warming.
What does it mean?
Severity: Low
Multiple patient entries are found. Please select the appropriate patient from the Select Schedule Patient screen.
What does it mean?
Severity: Low
None of the Image Generation nodes are functioning. The system is still operational. However, recon performance may be degraded.
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Operator Paused Scan

Severity: Low/Medium
Operator Stopped Scan
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Patient orientation now differs from when last scanned.
What does it mean? The current series has a different patient orientation in protocol setup than the last scan series. To change the patient orientation, click the humanoid icon at the top left of the scan setup screen.
Severity: Low
Patient placements in series are different.
What does it mean?
Severity: Low
Please call the FE or GE Cares center for more information and help.
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Please check the connections and re-enable gating on the View/Edit screen.
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Please confirm that there is no beam obstruction.
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Prep Delay: __ Seconds Remaining
What does it mean? Planned delay in progress before x-ray exposure begins. Time remaining before exposure is indicated by countdown timer. See related message below.
Severity: Low
Prep Delay after [Start Scan] will be __ Seconds
What does it mean? System advisory message. There will be a planned delay before X-ray exposure. This can be due to tube cooling parameters (automatic), contrast delay (preset), or manually adjusted in the protocol Rx screen.
Severity: Low
Protocol file is corrupted. Please correct using method below or contact your GE Service Representative. Restore protocols – this will replace all protocols in “User”, Using the most up to date copy of the Protocol DVD disk or System State disk, From Service Desktop select “Utilities” then “System State”, Now select “Protocols” and then “Restore”
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Recon Self Test detected reconstruction errors.

Severity: Medium/High
Reconstruction process has stopped. Scanning is possible but no images will be made. Restart the system. Please contact GE service
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Reconstruction times will be slower. Scanning can continue. Please contact GE service.
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Remote Tilt is Disabled due to Touch Sensor Collision.
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Scan disk array performance is degraded by one or more hard drive failures. Your scan data storage is reduced because of this. Please contact GE service to have the disk array repaired as soon as possible.
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Scan position prescribed is no longer valid. Please re-prescribe.
What does it mean?
Severity: Low
Scan Request is not possible due to tube cooling. Lower mA or kV to enable scan.
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Scan Request is not possible due to tube cooling. No up front delay is possible
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Scanner Hardware Paused Scan
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Scanner Hardware Stopped Scan
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ScanRx could not be started because it could not communicate with scan database. The system has to be shut down and restarted. Please contact GE service.
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Software has detected an invalid DAS configuration. Please reconfig to correct. If condition persists after Reconfig call GE Cares.
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Start/End location(s) were changed due to landmark position.
What does it mean?
Severity: Low
System adjusted patient weight to be within allowable weight range.
What does it mean? System notification message.
Severity: Low
System has detected that firmware is down. This will prevent scanning.
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System rounded Patient Weight in pounds to the closest value in kilograms.
What does it mean?
Severity: Low
Table height has changed – No timing graph will be displayed in SmartPrep.
What does it mean?
Severity: Low
Table is below the scanning minimum. Raise the table to scan.
What does it mean?
Severity: Low
The Daily Image Quality Check Test has detected a condition that may result in an image with unacceptable image quality. Please call GE Service and request a more thorough evaluation of your system’s condition.

Severity: Medium/High
The DAS Gain Calibration has not been run since the DAS Converter boards were changed.
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The detector is not at the proper temperature. If you wish to proceed with this scan select the “OK” button, however IQ maybe degraded including image artifacts. Please contact GE Service.

What does it mean? Check CT error log for additional details and related errors.

Severity: Low/Medium
The detector is not at the proper temperature please allow approximately minutes for the detector to come to temperature. If you wish to proceed with this scan select the “OK” button, however IQ maybe degraded including image artifacts.
What does it mean?
Severity: Low/Medium
The detector is too hot. No scanning allowed. Please contact GE Service.
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The dose for the new scan is greater than the maximal possible value. Do you wish to continue?
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The landmark is not set.
What does it mean?
Severity: Low
The Mylar Window check has detected that the window is not clean. A dirty mylar window may affect the calibration and cause Image Artifacts. Please clean the mylar window. Hit Continue to go on with FastCal without repeating the check or hit Retry to repeat the check and confirm that the mylar window is clean.
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The prescribed mAs for Group % is greater than mAs limit for this tube, decrease mA to _ mA.
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The scan database is corrupted.
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The Scanning Hardware is not available; please wait for the hardware reset successful status posted in the feature status area on the right monitor. If the hardware reset fails, then reset the scan hardware from the Service Desktop System Resets button.
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The Smart Prep Baseline image failed. Please try again.
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The SmartPrep timing graph will not display due to a mismatch between the system and reconstruction engine clocks. After the exam is complete, contact service to synchronize the clocks.
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The system has been configured to recognize a GE Medical Systems Tube. A 30-day period from the date of tube installation has been granted to allow time to manually verify the tube identity. Please call GE Medical Systems to dispatch a Field Service Engineer (FSE) to verify the tube configuration. Please allow a minimum of 10 days for the FSE to schedule verification. Verification should take no more than 30 minutes. If a GE Medical Systems FSE does not verify the tube identity within 30 days, the system will revert to an “unrecognized tube” status, resulting in the following: GE Medical Systems cannot assure that the system performance will conform to specifications. Advisory messages will be posted to the operator about an unrecognized tube during system startup, during tube warm-up, during Fast Calibration, and in the dose report.

What does it mean? System advisory message. Contact GE Healthcare support to verify the tube, if installed tube is manufactured by GE. This verification process typically takes 30 minutes or less.
Things To Know: Third-party manufactured CT tubes are designed to meet GE CT scan specifications and are a popular CT tube replacement option, however this third-party CT tubes cannot be verified by GE. If third-party CT tube has been installed on the system, “unrecognized tube” message will appear on dose report, during system startup and during system calibrations (after 30 days from CT tube installation date).
Severity: Low/Medium
The system will apply an up front delay prior to scanning.
What does it mean? System advisory message. Due to tube cooling restrictions, there will be a planned delay before the start of the next scan sequence. This up front delay ensures that the CT tube has ample time to cool down. The heat output of the CT tube is directly correlated with the CT scan mA value; higher mA results in increased heat production. Additionally, various factors can influence gantry heat output.
Severity: Low
The tube is cold. Tube warmup must be run.

Severity: Low
The X-ray and drive power is disabled. Please walk into the scan room and press the reset button on the Gantry Control Panel. Use of Emergency Stop button is only recommended for patient related emergencies.

Severity: Medium/High
Tube Cooling Delay: _ Seconds Remaining
What does it mean?
Severity: Low
Tube has reached the highest allowable temperature, Tube Cooling Optimization is required.
What does it mean? Check CT error log for additional details and related errors.
Severity: Low/Medium
Unable to determine if need to run auto mode Zslope Calibration due to access to the FastCal.cfg has failed. Press the [OK] button to continue the Fastcal. Please call service for Fastcal configure file problem.
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Unable to locate existing Patient Information.
What does it mean?
Severity: Low
Unable to set Alignment location. Landmark not set or table needs to be referenced.
What does it mean?
Severity: Low
Unable to verify system functionality on startup. Please power cycle the console. If the system fails to startup after the power cycle, then please call GE Service.

Next Steps: Open a terminal window and type: halt (Enter), to shutdown system. Once “system halted” message appears on the screen, you may power off console. After 2 minutes, attempt system restart. If error persists, service is required before scan operation may resume (system is hard down).
Severity: High
Unrecognized tube in use – Dose may vary. The reported dose information is calculated based on empirical observations of systems with GE Medical Systems tubes. GE cannot assure the accuracy of reported dose information for any configurations that include tubes other than GE Medical Systems tubes.
What does it mean? System advisory message. This message indicates a non-GE manufactured CT tube (third-party) has been installed on the CT system (e.g. Philips, Dunlee, etc.)
Things to know: Third-party manufactured CT tubes are designed to meet GE CT scanner specifications and are a popular CT tube replacement option, however this tube cannot be verified by GE. As a result, this advisory message will be posted during Daily Preps and will be visible on the patient dose report. If you suspect an error in the installation of a GE-manufactured CT tube on your CT system, contact GE Healthcare support to verify the tube. This verification process typically takes 30 minutes or less.
Severity: Low
WARNING: Backup Timer stopped scan. X-ray stayed on longer than prescribed.
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WARNING: Clever Gain Air Calibration failed to get tracking Statistics. Tracking may have been turned off. Exit Fastcal and try again. If this problem persist, call service
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WARNING: Collimator Cal failed but scanning can be done with the pre-existing valid calibration. If this error repeats over several days call service. Fast Cal continues

What does it mean? Collimator calibrations failed, however the system can utilize the last best know values for the time being. Calibration set may be repeated during the next daily calibration procedure.
Check CT error log for additional details and related errors. Click proceed to continue Fastcals. If error persists during proceeding calibrations, contact CT service engineer.
Severity: Low/Medium
WARNING: Converter boards have changed. Please first run DAS Gain Cal before running Collimator Cal.
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WARNING: Fastcal may not have been performed within the last 24 hours.
What does it mean? A system advisory message indicates that daily calibrations have not been performed in the past 24 hours. This condition does not affect system functionality, however if the elapsed time without performing daily calibrations exceeds 96 hours, anticipate extended fastcals (up to 45 minutes). To avoid this message, perform fastcals on a daily basis.
Severity: Low
WARNING: Gantry Balance Check must be performed. Pressing OK will cause 2 automatic gantry rotations with 1 minute separations. Make sure Gantry is clear of all obstructions and click OK. The Gantry Balance check process will take about 4 minutes.
What does it mean? This safety advisory message indicates that, before proceeding, the system will conduct a gantry balance check by rotating the CT gantry at high speeds. Ensure there are no obstructions in the gantry before proceeding. If the gantry balance check passes after approximately 4 minutes, the system allows calibrations to proceed. In case of failure, check the CT error log for additional information.
Severity: Low
WARNING: Please remove any obstruction in the path of the beam.
What does it mean? Before initiating calibrations, the system displays this notification. Ensure that all objects are removed from the CT scan window before starting calibrations. Failure to comply may lead to CT scan artifacts or issues with image quality.
Severity: Low
WARNING: Scan Manager Configuration Has Beam Tracking Disabled! Scanner Is In High Dose Mode.
What does it mean? The system advisory message informs the user that beam tracking has been disabled. This scan condition is only permissible in service or research settings. If you encounter this error message during clinical scans, please check the CT error log for additional details and related errors.
Severity: Low/Medium
WARNING: Scan Manager Configuration Has Non-Patient Scanning Options Enabled!
What does it mean? System advisory message. Current scan series contains enabled options which are not designed to be use for patient scanning. This scanning option should only be used during service.
Severity: Low/Medium
Warning!: This series contains one or more groups with multiple scans at the same tomographic plane, i.e. same location. Temporal interval for images exceeds 3 seconds. Use of this data for processing of CT Perfusion maps may contain errors in the functional information. Do you wish to continue?
What does it mean? Protocol setup advisory message indicates an overlap in slice selection during planning, potentially leading to errors in CT Perfusion processing. To address this issue, adjust the protocol setup to ensure that slices do not overlap. Consider using scout view to plan slice selection.
Severity: Low/Medium
X-ray off scan is in progress. Press [Stop Scan] to stop scanning.
What does it mean? The system advisory message indicates that a scan is currently underway with no X-ray exposure. To halt the scanning process, press [Stop Scan]. This scan option can be adjusted in the protocol Rx screen.
Severity: Low
You will not be able to scan because no calibration information is available. Try pressing |End Exam| followed by |New Patient|. This will cause ScanRx to attempt to read the calibration database again.
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Zslope calibration fails robustness test. Please call service.
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