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The CT Scan Cancer Risk Calculator is a powerful tool designed to estimate the potential cancer risk associated with undergoing computed tomography (CT) scans. This calculator takes into account various factors such as age, gender, and the number of scans for specific regions like the lungs, head, chest, and abdomen/pelvis. By inputting these parameters, users can obtain an estimate of their lifetime average effective dose, expressed in milliSieverts (mSv), and the associated cancer risk.
CT Scan Cancer Risk Calculator
The calculations used in this CT scan cancer risk calculator are based on established radiation safety models sourced from a comprehensive 13-year study encompassing over 25.7 million patient case studies. This offers individuals valuable insights into the potential health implications associated with their history of CT scans.
Instructions For Use
Age and gender information is optional; however, including these details can significantly improve the accuracy of the reading.
Next, provide the total number of CT scans the patient has undergone (lifetime).
Click the ‘Calculate Risk’ button to view the Lifetime Absorbed Effective Dose (in mSv) and the odds of developing cancer due to the CT scans.
Privacy Note: None of the data entered into this calculator is stored or saved. Your privacy and confidentiality are of utmost importance to us.

Interpreting CT Scan Cancer Risk Calculator Results
The Lifetime Average Effective Dose represents the cumulative radiation exposure over a lifetime. This metric assists patients in understanding the potential health impact of their imaging history.
The odds calculation, indicating the risk of developing cancer, is presented in addition to the inherent, natural odds of developing cancer (see our radiation exposure chart below for reference). This percentage value serves as a supplementary measure, offering individuals insights into the incremental risk associated with their cumulative exposure to radiation from CT scans. It is crucial to interpret these results in consultation with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive understanding of individual health circumstances.

This CT scan cancer risk assessment tool aims to enhance awareness and promote informed decision-making regarding medical imaging procedures.